Likability Bias
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Nobody does business with people they don't like. How do you get unlikable people to like you? Be intentional about picking out something to like, focus in on it, and make it know. Once someone knows you like them, it all get easier.
Reflection and Discussion:
What observations can you make about people that might help you find something to like? List a few (ex, something about their style, their attitude, their car...)
Have you ever had an experience where you found out someone liked you, and it changed the way you felt about them? Why do you think that is?
Can you think of an experience you've had as a customer where the likability of the person you were dealing with was "make or break?"
Reflection and Discussion:
What observations can you make about people that might help you find something to like? List a few (ex, something about their style, their attitude, their car...)
Have you ever had an experience where you found out someone liked you, and it changed the way you felt about them? Why do you think that is?
Can you think of an experience you've had as a customer where the likability of the person you were dealing with was "make or break?"