The Purpose of the Salesperson
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The purpose (or mission) of the salesperson is to help guide others through the process of making a big decision. This skill and ability, when properly learned and applied, is a life-changing skill to have acquired. It changes everything about how you approach decisions in your own life, and in the lives of your family and friends.
Reflection and Discussion:
Do you agree with this purpose statement? What would you add, take away, or change?
Does it seem strange that nothing in this statement involves steering people in a specific direction? Specifically, there's nothing in this statement that says your job is to "make sure they buy X brand."
In your view, what's involved in guiding others through a big decision? Think of a decision other than buying a car and imagine you're trying to help a friend. They come to you and say, "hey I'm thinking about trying __________, can you help me work through the decision?" - where would you start?
In the scenario with your friend, what result would you consider to be success... that they took your advice and did what you said, or that they ultimately were happy with what you helped them decide?
Knowing that there are many layers of variables typically involved in big decisions, where do you draw the line when it comes to giving advice? When do you say, "ultimately, this is your call." Are there ever situations where you could definitively say, "this is the best thing for you right now, DO THIS."
Reflection and Discussion:
Do you agree with this purpose statement? What would you add, take away, or change?
Does it seem strange that nothing in this statement involves steering people in a specific direction? Specifically, there's nothing in this statement that says your job is to "make sure they buy X brand."
In your view, what's involved in guiding others through a big decision? Think of a decision other than buying a car and imagine you're trying to help a friend. They come to you and say, "hey I'm thinking about trying __________, can you help me work through the decision?" - where would you start?
In the scenario with your friend, what result would you consider to be success... that they took your advice and did what you said, or that they ultimately were happy with what you helped them decide?
Knowing that there are many layers of variables typically involved in big decisions, where do you draw the line when it comes to giving advice? When do you say, "ultimately, this is your call." Are there ever situations where you could definitively say, "this is the best thing for you right now, DO THIS."